Friday, October 30, 2009

Holiday Season is Here!

The cities of Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge and Sevierville are putting on the Holiday finery! The great unveiling of the Winter Festival of Lights happens on November 4, along with the Chili Cook-off. With the official start of the season, the theaters in Pigeon Forge are starting their Holiday shows! Tunes and Tales resumes in the streets of Gatlinburg, as well as the Trolley Ride of Lights! Its a great time to visit, enjoy the festive spirit, get some shopping done, and avoid the crowds of the summer. See our website for great specials, including book 3 nights, pay for 2!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Family, friends, and life!

I am just returned from a visit with my mom, brothers and sisters and their families! It was wonderful!! The children are growing fast and becoming more themselves. We are looking more middle-aged everytime we get did that happen? We're still kids ourselves....aren't we?

The whole experience reminds me once again that life is precious and fragile and we must savor every moment. The trick is to keep the moments you live for from getting lost amoung the things you live through! Has anybody figured it out???

Have you told the people you love how you feel about them lately?